Just head to and access the connections page once you've signed in. Diablo 2 Diablo 2 Save Download here Save Games to the Hack'n Slay Classic Game Diablo 2. or if you have windows xp you will have to go into Diablo 2 properties then click 'Find Target'. From there, choose the platforms you'll be doing cross progression with. Size: 216 KB (221.184 Bytes) Diablo 2 Savegame: DOWNLOAD Diablo 2 Review Diablo two, the sequel to its huge predecessor has been released with all guns blazing with blizzard producing another classic destined to keep players glued to the screen for an age. will see a file called 'save', open the save file.

A brief message on cross progression greets you as soon as you enter the game. C:UsersUsernameSaved GamesDiablo II Resurrected USERPROFILE Saved GamesDiablo II Resurrected Open File Explorer from the taskbar. It may not be as enticing as cross play, but it's a nice to have.